Tuesday, March 31

Spring is on the way?...

Our bulbs are coming up, and some are blooming. They just opened before we got the foot of snow, and now they are just wet and happy for the sun. Not sure if I believe spring is coming or not...looking at the weather forecast around Denver, we are in for snow, then melt, snow then melt...but who can complain as long as we are getting some much needed moisture!!!
Oh, and it is time for baseball for Easton (http://www.eteamz.com/northernlights/) and a new spring football league (http://www.milehifootball.com/) for Quinton.

Aliens vs Monsters!

IMAX and 3D, if you haven't seen this yet you have to check it out for the visual effects of the movie. Although it is animated, it is done so well it far surpasses anything I have seen at Disney World or Universal Studios for real 3D effect. And it is a hoot also, with B.O.B being the best! Get out and get away from your hectic life and enjoy being taken back to the Alien Invasion movies we all remember...

Monday, March 30

Cave Dwellers!

This is my favorite picture of the boys, taken last fall up at Red Rocks State Park, outside of Morrison, CO. I did some post-processing work to get the depth of colors and overall look of the photo.

All Aboard! Our new Blog...

Well, here we go...jumping on into the world of Blogs...not quite sure how we are going to do, but they make it seem so darn simple we just can't pass it up.

We thought this would be the best way to share our lives, photography, videos, growing kids, sports, music, art, Scentsy, and everything else that steers us through life.

We hope you enjoy it all, and we sure appreciate your feedback and comments!

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