Monday, September 28

Redskins go up 4-1 for season

New video up on YouTube of the NYFA Redskins game on Saturday. They shut them out 42-0 by middle of the 3rd quarter, but the Bulldogs wanted to keep playing. The highlights are of all the team, Q is #7 (you'll hear coach and mom yelling it out!).

Fall colors

We went for our annual fall drive yesterday up to see the leaves and take some pictures. Too bad it was a hazy day, but we did get some great family photos. More pictures at Flickr...

As you can see, the aspens were at the peak of their golden colors, and some had even started dropping leaves.

The boys got some time to play football in the mountains between dad's pictures. We had a great time.

Sunday, September 20

Band & Football

Easton marching in the Broomfield Days parade yesterday. Horizon took first place for Marching Band.

Quinton came back from the flu and led the Redskins to a huge win over a great team. They go up 3-1 on the season. Quinton had a 25 yard reception, and scored a TD and extra point. He also has a great punt in these highlights.

Wednesday, September 16

Drummer and Baller

Drummer-Baller, originally uploaded by Scooter71.

Been working on learning more about off camera flash, and taking portraits. Had a "session" with the boys in the walking tunnel close by us. Had some great shots, check them all out on Flickr and S2Imagery.

Sunday, September 13

The cops had to be called.

Don't lose the key to your Kryponite D-lock! Ask Easton if you want to know why, but after trying to use a jack, a hacksaw, and renting a bolt cutter (you can't rent them!), Thornton's finest helped him out...the firemen were nice enough to help, but the police have to be called to check to make sure it is not a stolen bike.

Sunday, September 6

Careful boys...someone might get hurt...

We went to the moutains this weekend, to get away. Stopped at some ghost towns, abandoned trains stations, and old saw mills on the way. The boys had fun!

We stayed at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, a place that has about 30 areas in the creek that 134 degree water bubbles up from the earth. You can mix it with the cold creek water to create the perfect temperature for relaxing. It was great fun exploring the pools and then soaking in them.

We had a great time, even if it was short, and the best thing was the boys had a lot of fun learning about Colorado history.

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