Tuesday, May 18

Band, Balloons, and Bella

Click on the link to see all the photos and videos!

Oh my, it has been super busy around the Snouffer family ranch...school is almost out (6 day I think) and the boys are chomping at the bit. As most of you know, Easton bought his first car, a 1993 Honda Civic hatchback. He loves it and will be doing his driving test to get his license on June 1...then the roads will be a much more adventurous place :-)

Both boys had concerts last week, and on the same night. We went to Q's first where he played several songs, and is becoming a great sax player. He had me upload Dead Man's Chest from Pirates of the Caribbean and Pinnacle. He chose those as his favorites, enjoy.

Easton had his final concert of the year, and part of the song was an improvisational drum battle with Mike, the senior drummer that Easton will be taking over for next year. If you missed it, Easton is going to be playing the lead percussionist in the band, and thy symphonic band and choir have already recruited him to help with their music also. He will be busy next year.

Easton is waiting to hear on acceptance at a weeklong summer band camp at Colorado State University this summer. The camp will be 12 hours a day of pure music focus, on Jazz and Marching. He is excited. He is also looking for a job to put gas money in the new ride!

Easton and I got up at sunrise on Saturday to go watch the hot air balloon launch in Erie, but it was cancelled due to the thick, heavy fog. They did set up 5 balloons though, and we got to interact with all the teams, help set them up and then pack them back up. Still a great way to spend the morning. Pictures are on Facebook and Flickr.

Lastly, a little update on our completely uncoordinated Bella. We have found that she really loves to stalk and chase bubbles, along with butterflies, birds, squirrels, basically anything that moves. Some fun pictures of her chasing bubbles are on Flickr.

Hopefully this finds all of you well, and we look forward to summer! It might come to Colorado one day, but for now we have a constant daily change of wind, rain, cool air, and very little sun and heat.

Cheers- The Snouffers

1 comment:

  1. AWESOM you guys....I am soooo proud of you BOTH....and you look good, too! (wink)
    I bet Easton will be hearing from camp really soon.....take care and know we love you all so very very much.....:o)
    Aunt Jann


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