Saturday, April 18

Another soldier off to war.

Dallas left today for Iraq...a sad day for all, but one that I am sure will ultimately be good for him. He came over yesterday after a ceremony at the Pepsi Center to say goodbye. Please pray for him, that he will be safe and secure while he is gone!

As most of you saw, Denver was in for the "blizzard of the century" yesterday, but it did not materialize down on the plains. We started off with about 10" of WET, HEAVY snow, but then it rained all night, and all of today and most of it is gone. We have finally got the moisture we so desperately needed. Up in the foothills near us, most places got 30" or more of the same snow, but it will all be gone fast...supposed to be up to 70 again by Tuesday.

Lots of new pictures, and a new way to subscribe. I have tested the new email subscription link on here, which you might want to try also. I is a feed type service and sends you pictures with links to them. I much prefer it, go ahead and try it. If you want to change let me know and I can take you off of my auto-send list.

1 comment:

  1. Scott,
    We'll keep him close in thought and prayer.
    Aunt Jann


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